1st appearance in chapter 602
2nd appearance in chapter 1564
Demon Nobles can come to the World Summit, but they not only had to pay 1,000 magic crystals, but they also had to complete many quests from a Demon King . They would only gain one chance to enter the World Summit after they had accumulated sufficient Contribution Points. There was only one opportunity to enter the World Summit every three days.
- Bronze
- Mysterious-Iron
- Silver
- Fine Gold
- Black Gold
- Epic
- Inferior Legendary
Epic rank difficulty: Party must choose 20 monsters to face. If they are unable to defeat your opponents, they will die. As a three-man party, the party leader may choose 10 monsters, while party members may choose 5 monsters each. The chosen monsters will prioritize the players that chose them. Your party has 10 minutes to consider. Failure to do so will result in automatic forfeit. You will die if you forfeit.
Divine Staircase[]
Players could only climb the Divine Staircase once if they had a Bronze Shrine Key, while Mysterious-Iron Keys would allow players to climb the staircase twice. Secret-Silver Keys granted players three entries, Fine-Gold Keys granted four, Dark-Gold Keys granted five entries, Epic Keys would allow players to climb seven times, and Inferior Legendary Keys allowed players access to the Divine Staircase ten times. However, once players exhausted their entries, they'd be forced out of the World Summit regardless of how much time they had remaining.
Meanwhile, each time players cleared a pitch-black shrine, they would earn a corresponding number of Shrine Points. They could then use these Shrine Points to purchase various items available in the World Summit. Players didn't need any specific qualifications to purchase these items; as long as they had the required number of points, they could buy any item they wanted.
Killing a Guardian Boss aka Realm Lord awards 50 Shrine Points. Whereas passing a level of the Divine Shrine earns 10 Shrine Points and an additional if passed within a certain time.(For Level 1)
Upon clearing the second Divine Shrine, one may earned 15 SPs, also receiving 15 SPs for clearing the shrine within the time limit, and 70 SPs for killing the Guardian Boss.
Each Divine Shrine was a little more challenging than the last and awarded 5 more SPs when cleared.(For Level 3-4)
When clearing the fifth Divine Shrine, the Shrine Points he earned also undergone a qualitative transformation. The clear reward alone rose to 100 SPs, while clearing the shrine within the time limit awarded another 100 SPs, and killing the Guardian Boss within the time limit awarded 500 SPs.
Completing level 10 gives 300 Shrine Points. 300 additional if completed within the time limit. And 200 SPs if one defeat the Guardian Boss/Realm Lord.