First mentioned in chapter 421 when Shi Feng (Black Flame) logged into the game and ran into a six-man party in the White Fog Canyon.
Virtuous Cloud was an independent player who started in the Black Dragon Empire.
Virtuous Cloud is a red-haired beauty who has a forthright appearance, and a tall and slender figure.
Class: Shield Warrior
Virtuous Cloud has the following equipment:
- Secret-Silver ranked shield, one-handed saber, and the remaining of her equipment was mostly Secret-Silver. [2]
When Virtuous Cloud was first introduced, it was mentioned that she had came from Beacon City in Black Dragon Empire and had travelled to White Fog Canyon after news of the Warfire Set Equipment was revealed. She was an independent player and had lead a party of five other independent players. Shi Feng made an offer to buy the set equipment pieces for 10 gold each, with a full set going for 180 gold. [3]
When her party was surrounded by a group of 50 Red Names, the sudden appearance of Shi Feng's party saved them and eliminated all the Red Names in a swift fight. She traded over both pieces of Warfire Set Equipment that her party had obtained for 10 gold and six pieces of Level 20 Secret-Silver equipment. As both parties headed towards the exit, they were blocked by Overwhelming Smile. Although she managed to escape, three of her party members were killed.