Hi there! just looking for a place to suggest a change to the page organization. Don't know the best way to format this on here so I've tried tabbing in a tree format. It may not look correct on mobile. It doesn't include everything at the moment but it will hopefully be able to link together all pages eventually. The top level categories would be on the navbar and the rest would be either links or tables on the pages you can access from the nav bar.
- Story Arc Summaries
God's Domain
- Lore/in-game timeline
- history
- Gods
- Great destruction
- Legacies
- etc
- Present
- Storylines
- Quests
- Future
- Tier 6 Players
- Unencountered events
- Mechanics
- Equipment
- Gaming Helmet
- Gaming Cabin
- Classes
- hidden classes/ legacies
- Attributes
- Life Rating
- Bloodlines
- Titles
- Monsters
- Link to monsterpedia
- Towns and Cities and more
- Nobility
- Fortresses
- Cities
- Town
- Lost Towns
- Dungeons
- regional dungeons
- Party
- Team
- Large scale
- NPCs
- World NPCs
- Physical
- Magical
- Witch of Witch Hill
- Subclass
- seliora
- Personal Guards/Contracted NPCs
- Physical
- Kite
- Magical
- Anna
- Subclass
- Monsterpedia
- Common
- Elite
- Chief
- lord
- High Lord
- Rare Lord
- Great Lord
- Grand Lord
- Mythic
- Archaic
- Boss
- World Boss
- Guilds/ Adventurer teams
- Items
Zero Wing Workshop
- Locations
- Green Hill formerly(forgot what it's called)
- Heaven's Rumble
- Assets
- Nutritional Fluid
- Members
- Zero Wing
- Allies
- Enemies