Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Wiki

First mentioned in chapter 1762, The Snow Ruin is a path that connects Cold Wind City to other regions. Conquering the Snow Ruin would allow the guild or team to acquire City Contribution Points.


Snow Ruins is a Regional Dungeon, that is split into five floors. Each floor is guarded by a Guardian Boss, and there is an ancient barrier that prevents the usage of any tools, such as magic arrays, summoning scrolls, etc.

The ruins has two difficulty settings: Normal and Hero. Both modes are independent and players would be sent to different spaces. Aside from the loot being better, there was no additional benefits for Hero Mode. However, failure to pass the floor would prevent the players from challenging it for a full week.


Normal Mode:

  • [Frost Ape Warlord] (Humanoid Creature, Archaic Species, Grand Lord) Level 62, HP 120,000,000
    • Guardian Boss of the third floor
    • Has four arms, wielding a longsword in each.
  • [Skeleton King] (Undead, Specialized Archaic Species, Grand Lord) Level 65, HP 220,000,000
    • Guardian Boss of the final floor
    • Summons a large group of Skeleton Warriors, and if they are still alive after a duration of time, they heal the boss.
    • Has [Hell Flame], an AOE Spell that randomly targets players in the Boss's vicinity.

Hero Mode:

  • [Frost Ape Warlord] (Humanoid Creature, Specialized Archaic Species, Grand Lord), Level 63, HP 160,000,000
    • Guardian Boss of the third floor.
    • Has six arms, wielding a longsword in each.
  • [Stone Guardian] (Archaic Species, Grand Lord) Level 64, HP 130,000,000
    • Guardian Boss of the fourth floor, there are two of them.
  • [Skeleton King] (Undead, Specialized Archaic Species, Mythic) Level 65
    • Guardian Boss of the final floor.


  • First Clear of the Normal Mode Snow Ruin - 2,000 Guild Popularity Points and 300 Cold Wind City Contribution Points.(Obtained by Hecate)
  • First Clear of the Hero Mode Snow Ruin - Hero's Key and 500 Cold Wind City Points.(Obtained by Asura Adventurer Team)