Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Wiki

Introduced in Chapter 226, Melancholic Smile was queuing to take the test to join Starstreak Trading Firm. When Shi Feng had approached Cream Cocoa to offer her another chance for a test after she failed, Melancholic Smile cut into their conversation and mocked Shi Feng for pretending to be a Starstreak employee. As he was about to introduce himself, Anna had approached him, to chase away the people who were disturbing him.

Appearance- beautiful woman[]


Lifestyle Profession

Lifestyle Profession: Forger[]

Lifestyle Rank - Forger Chapter
Basic Apprentice
Intermediate Apprentice 243
Advanced Apprentice
Intermediate 663
Basic Master 1781
Intermediate Master 2328
Advanced Master 2557

Mysterious Flame:[]

Known Designs:[]


Introduced in Chapter 226, Melancholic Smile was queuing to take the test to join Starstreak Trading Firm. When Shi Feng had approached Cream Cocoa to offer her another chance for a test after she failed, Melancholic Smile cut into their conversation and mocked Shi Feng for pretending to be a Starstreak employee. As he was about to introduce himself, Anna had approached him, to chase away the people who were disturbing him.

Shi Feng personally tested both Melancholic Smile and Cream Cocoa and introduced himself as Black Flame. This revelation excited both players and they changed the opinions of him. When they passed the test, instead of giving them the contract from Starstreak Trading Firm, Shi Feng passed them the contract for Horizon Alliance instead. After some consideration, Melancholic Smile signed the contract for Horizon Alliance. In turn, she was made temporary manager for Horizon Alliance.

Mentioned in Chapter 243 that she was promoted to an Intermediate Forging Apprentice, alongside Cream Cocoa.

Mentioned in chapter 663, she had become an Intermediate Forger, close to an Advanced Forger.

Mentioned in chapter 1781 that she had been promoted into a Master Forger.

  1. Chapter 2850
  2. Chapter 1781
  3. Chapter 1781
  4. Chapter 2236
  5. Chapter 2557
  6. Chapter 2696