Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Wiki

First mentioned in chapter 2305, and further elaborated in chapter 2315.


A Knight Division is a specialized team of NPCs who have been hired by a Lord to protect their territory.


These Knights would be akin to Personal Guards and could be recruited from anywhere, regardless of kingdom or empire as long as they are not affiliated to any of the powers there. [1]

In order to recruit NPCs to join the division, players can commission the Adventurer’s Association to conduct a draft in NPC cities and towns for a cost. A draft in a town would cost 10 Gold per week, 100 Gold per week in a city, 300 Gold per week in a kingdom's capital, and 1,000 Gold per week in an imperial capital. [2]

Having high Lord Popularity allows the Lord to have an easier time persuading and recruiting NPCs with high Growth Potential into their Knight Division. [2]

After hiring the knights, the Lord has to purchase their equipment as well. A full set of Level 100 to 150 Epic equipment costs 4,000 Gold. A full set of Level 100 to 150 Secret-Silver Equipment costs 50 Gold. [3]

Salary and Nurturing[]

After recruiting NPCs into the division, the Lord is responsible for paying them a salary and their equipment. Each knight's salary is dependent on their Growth Potential.

Tier 2 Salaries and Nurturing Fees[]

  • Bronze Knight: weekly salary of 30 Gold and an additional 20 Gold as a weekly nurturing fee. [2][3]
  • Mysterious-Iron Knights: weekly salary of 70 Gold and a 30 Gold weekly nurturing fee. [3]
  • Secret Silver Knights: weekly salary of 150 Gold and a 50 Gold weekly nurturing fee. [3]
  • Fine-Gold Knight: weekly salary of 300 Gold and a 100 Gold weekly nurturing fee. [3]

Tier 3 Salaries and Nurturing Fees[]

For a Bronze ranked Tier 3 Knight, it would cost 200 gold as a weekly salary and an additional 100 Gold as a weekly nurturing fee. [4]


When the knights reach Level 100, they automatically challenge their Tier 3 Promotion Quest and after succeeding, the Lord has to pay a procedural fee of 10 Gold to the Adventurer Alliance to complete their promotion. [5][4]

Bronze ranked Tier 2 Knights have less than 5% chance of completing their Tier 3 Promotion Quest, while Mysterious-Iron ranked Knights would have less than 10% change. Only Secret-Silver ranked Knights have above 80% chance to complete their Tier 3 promotion. [4]

== List of References ==

  1. Chapter 2314
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chapter 2326
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Chapter 2370
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Chapter 2438
  5. Chapter 2437