Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Wiki

First mentioned in chapter 3705/SS 779.


Garuda was a Chosen One of Thunder Empire. Also he is a Holy Race's Number 1 Chosen One.


He was a four-armed young man.



Class: Fist Fighter[]

  • Promoted to Tier 6 prior to appearance.

Realms of Refinement and Realms of Truth:[]

Combat Standarts:[]




  • Purgatory Phantom Garb [13]
    • Profound Skill, Phantom World - Phantom World was one of Garudaā€™s trademark moves. Assuming that a player could utilize 100% of the Purgatory Phantom Garbā€™s potential, they could split into a maximum of 1,000 clones of themselves. In Shi Fengā€™s previous life, the most clones Garuda had ever created in battle were 100. This was because 100 clones were the most Garuda could control perfectly.
  • Lightning Beast Set - one of the Holy Raceā€™s Nine Great Divine Sets. [14]
    • Tier 7 Profound Skill, Lightning Transformation - had transformed into a Sacred Lightning Beast [15]


Garuda was the Strongest Chosen One of the Thunder Empire, a Royal Power of the Holy Race. He had strictly limited his sphere of activity to the Western Continent and never participated in the war between the Holy Race and the human race. Yet, human players still felt that Garuda was extremely powerful.

This was due to the rumor that even the Eternal Realmā€™s Three Absolutes were defeated by Garuda. However, as nobody had any evidence showing Garuda and the Three Absolutes clashing, many people speculated that their encounter occurred during the Continental Championship and that Garuda was the reason the Three Absolutes failed to progress beyond the top 4.== List of References ==

  1. ā†‘ Chapter 3705/SS 779
  2. ā†‘ Chapter 3705/SS 779
  3. ā†‘ Chapter 3848/SS 922
  4. ā†‘ Chapter 3947/SS 1021
  5. ā†‘ Chapter 3731/SS 805
  6. ā†‘ Chapter 3705/SS 779
  7. ā†‘ Chapter 3705/SS 779
  8. ā†‘ Chapter 3739/SS 813
  9. ā†‘ Chapter 3862/SS 936
  10. ā†‘ Chapter 3705/SS 779
  11. ā†‘ Chapter 3739/SS 813
  12. ā†‘ 12.0 12.1 Chapter 3949/SS 1023
  13. ā†‘ Chapter 3740/SS 814
  14. ā†‘ Chapter 3947/SS 1021
  15. ā†‘ Chapter 3949/SS 1023