Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Wiki

First mentioned in chapter 2314, when Shi Feng had requested for a list of Monarch Crusade Quests for Cold Spring Forest.


Cold Spring Forest is the closest Level 100 neutral map to the Star-Moon Kingdom. It has a relatively comfortable environment and serves as a transition point for players as they experienced the freedom of Level 100 and Tier 3. It is home to several ancient races and is protected by an ancient seal that prevents players from exploring the map freely. Players have to defeat the map's Monarch Boss first before they get the freedom to explore the region. [1]

There are seven Monarch Bosses that guard the six regions of the map. [2]

Prominent Locations

Known Monarch Bosses


Inner Region

List of References

  1. ā†‘ Chapter 2317
  2. ā†‘ Chapter 2316
  3. ā†‘ Chapter 2316