Blackbeard's Request was activated by Shi Feng in Chapter 80, when he offered his services to the mayor. The mayor gives a short context of the situtaiton in the town, as the weather in the area had been getting hotter, and their water supply was diminishing.
Type: Repeatable Quest
NPC: Blackbeard (Mayor of Stonehammer Town)
Location: Stonehammer Town, White Sand Ruin, Star-moon Kingdom
Pre-requisite: none
Diificuty Level: none
- Offer either 100 bags of Clear Water or 5 cups of Cold Beverage to the Town Mayor Blackbeard
Time Limit: none
Penalties: none
- 2 copper coin
- 1 point favorability with Mayor Blackbeard
- 100 EXP
In Chapter 80, Shi Feng uses the information for his past life to build up favorability with Blackbeard, in order to obtain the chance to buy Forging Designs from him and to receive the Unique Quest "Steel Fortress Barrutia. Using the 1,000 cups of Fruit Juices that he had tasked Violet Cloud to make, he was able to complete the quest 200 times, earning a total of 400 Copper Coins, 200 point of Favorability and 20,000 Exp.
Attempting to raise the topic of the Unique Quest, Shi Feng wasn't able to even get a clue, so he took out the new type of Fruit Juice that Violet Cloud had made. This drink immediately attracted Blackbeard's attention and he ofers to pay an additional copper for it. Handing over all 750 cups that he had, Shi Feng received 2,250 Copper and 750 Favourability and 75,000 Exp.
Having 950 Favorability with Blackbeard, the NPC was no longer keeping a tight lip on his serets and treated Shi Feng like a close friend. He handed over the Stonehammer Key to Shi Feng and he receives the Unique Quest, "Steel Fortress Barrutia". Shi Feng also uses the opportunity to purchases 3 Bronze-Rank Forging Designs and 2 Mysterious-Iron Forging Designs for 4 Gold 80 Silver. This increases Shi Feng's Favorability with Blackbeard to reach 1,000 points, which the system awards him with 1 Mysterious-Iron Chest for being the first player to achieve the feat.