Angels, also known as Valkyries, are superior beings whose Life Rating is only slightly weaker than Dragons. Angels are differentiated by the number of wings they have [1]:
- Normal Angels have one to two pairs of wings, also known as four-winged Valkyries.
- Higher Angels have three pairs of wings, also known as six-winged Valkyries.
- Archangels have four pairs of wings, also known as eight-winged Valkyries.
Valkyries were a race born for combat. Meanwhile, the more wings a Valkyrie had, the greater their Life Rating and combat talent would be. Among them, six-winged Valkyries already possessed strength close to rivaling Dragons of the same tier. [2]
Archangels are similar to Dragon Kings, in that they have superior bloodlines compared to ordinary Angels. They are capable of contending with Tier 6 Gods. Each Archangel has its own mission and is capable of influencing the God's Domain Continent.
It was mentioned that Tier 5 Angel Knight Captains are capable of rivaling a Tier 5 Dragon.[1]
Known Angels
Main Story (1st reincarnation)
Sequel Story (2nd reincarnation)
- Tia Pollena (eigh-winged Valkyrie, guardian of the Primordial God's Arm) [2]